Flogging Franklstein

History doesn't repeat itself. You repeat History.

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Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

Monday, October 30, 2006

Florida Trip

I waited to blog about my trip to Florida to visit da_Pickl at the end of September because I wanted to publish my photos using iWeb on my Mac. I wanted to see the possibilities of the program.

So, here it is. There is a photos page and a blog page. Check it out and tell me what you think.

Florida on iWeb

UPDATE: OK Roger. Here's your hottie picture...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yOUTUBE. "You pay something for everything you do." ie "We intend on continuing the theater up there to ensure even frewer disfavoreds make it."
I think this, search engines and such are all for distraction purposes. Having endured such skewed searches I know personally the computer decides what hits I am allowed and which are prevented.
They say some trolls in chat rooms are the computer. Yes I suspect they have some ringers, likely some difsavoreds segmentted thinking they are earning, but ALL THIS INTERNET-BASED COMPUTER SHIT CAN ALL BE DONE BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.
Everyone is gone. 2000 was a big deal. Yahoo, Google are all filled with brain-less clones, doing the bidding of the gods. Unlike Hollywood their roles as monsters will wait until the next level, Planet Corporate, aka Purgatory.

What perplexes me is why the gods would remain so soft on pure tools, allowing for open doors for them to achieve a brain, achieving legitimacy? it seems as if clones without brains are the ultimate in disposability, anything else defeats the purpose.
They're not human. They're nothign. If AI stopped thinking through them they'd fall in a heap of flesh.

Things like free MP3 dwonloads hurt people because you are stealing. Search engines, youtube is for distraciton purposes, the god's attempt to consume peopel's attention to ensure they don't find the path and ascend.
Poker/gambling web sites are all controlled by the computer. Other players in the room can be the computer, role playing virtually, stealing the disfavored's money in real time. Other times the players are disfavored, granting them good cards so fat bastard never has to get a job, ensuring he has no chance in this life and has to be reincarnated for he never achieves decency.
But they CAN and DO use the computer to do ALL of this. The challenge is to see how many disfavoreds can disceive and use to segment into preying upon each other.

Before you abandon the web for Las Vegas understand they have the power to shuffle a deck of cards in the desired order as the dealer holds it in her hands.

Gambling is degenerate. As time has prgressed the gods have hurt people by making society declare it an acceptable evil, and the same is true for casual sex, pornography:::::::
Life has deteriorated hard in the last 40 years, for they are paving the way for The End.

3/06/2007 2:06 PM  

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